Bordeaux…I See You!
Ahhh! It’s almost that time. Fall time, that is.
While on my way to work, I overheard someone say, “Pumpkin Spice Lattes are available at Starbucks now!” I immediately thought, dang, summer isn’t over yet. Can we stick to and enjoy a Mango Dragonfruit Refresher with lemonade (yup, this is my favorite drink lol) for the next few weeks before transitioning over to pumpkins?
As much as I would love for summer to stay around, fall is right around the corner. With that comes one of my favorite colors, which is bordeaux. For those of you that don’t know, it’s a deep red wine color. I enjoy wearing it as a lipstick, I have a jacket this color, boots and the list goes on. For me, it can easily be paired with anything.
Interested in wearing this color? Here are a few items you can snag now to complete part of your fall wardrobe.